Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Spoonful Of Sugar?

Dear Hurricane Hamza,

Today you had your first chocolate milkshake. It was one of those crazy days where I was lugging you around everywhere – we have had quite a few of those lately. You were niggly and bored and I was drinking my favourite thing in the whole world, a chocolate freezo.

 I succumbed to your moaning, sat down on a bench in the middle of the Waterfront and handed you the plastic chocolate filled cup of sugary sweetness
For you it was love at first sip, for me it was guilt at first sip!

What will people think?

How will this affect our no sugar policy in the future?

Does this make me a weak mother?

Blah blah blah!

I had to give myself a mental slap in the face and shake myself out of my stupidy. Yes we have a no sugar policy, because of the health risks, but frankly because you are so active already you plus a sugar rush equals a disaster for all involved.

  BUT just as I was having the rough day and was craving a little happiness in a cup, so were you. After you gulped the rest of the shake down, the say seemed to get a little easier for the both us. Sure you didn’t eat your lunch and it was a bad food day all round but I don’t plan to let you make a habit of it- and sometimes we all need a little help to get through the day.

Even if it is in the form of a sugary, chocolaty drink
Love Mom

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