Friday, March 2, 2012

Introducing the Working Mom

Dear Hurricane Hamza,

Today we had one of ‘those’ days… You know the kind where mommy has to work and you are driven from pillar to post and expected to keep a smile on your face all day. You’re a trooper, always ready and armed with a friendly wave and charming grin.

I worry though, like any mom would, whether I give enough of myself to you and if one day you will resent me for working ,instead of committing my entire being to you.

I know my reservations and guilt will only get worse in a year or two when you are able to verbalize just how angry or hurt you feel, but I hope we will be able to  work through it- and that when you are a little older, you will understand why I had to work sometimes.

I also hope- and this might take a little longer- that you might be proud of me- and see how much you really mean to me- for pioneering an entire new career after your birth.

You see, even though we have bee having quite a few of ‘those’ days lately, it is still a whole lot better than if I was working for someone else, full time.

 Love, Mom x

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