Friday, February 24, 2012

Kiss and Tell?

Dear Hurricane Hamza,
Today you ‘kissed a girl and you liked it..I hope her mother don’t mind it!’

-one day when you read back on this, the above line will either have no context for you or you will probably tell me how ‘old school’ that is.

 Anyway, we all said, ‘aahh cute’ while watching you smooching a little 14 month old blond, toothless girl in the plastic doll house at our play group- in between sipping on pretend tea.

-It also got me thinking about the future though.  You are going to grow up, go through the teen years, be interested in girls- and I don’t know if I will ever be ready for that.

You see, at the moment it’s cute and sweet and people kind of pat you on the back because your child is so polite and loving. Fast forward 10 or so years and the mom’s daughter won’t be singing your praises as much- and neither will I!
I know you will get married and have babies and I will make a concerted effort to not be one of those Mediterranean moms who hate your wife and cry that you are deserting me on your wedding day. BUT- until then, I kind of pray that you will stay away from the ladies as much as possible.

I’m not sure if I’m cut out to deal with teenage trampy girls writing you love letters , or even knowing how to shape your character where respecting a women is concerned.

It’s that old notion of girls being so precious and keeping them locked away. Boys on the other hand are encouraged to date and be interested in women, it makes them appear mucho and manly-and it’s the idea of ‘if all else fails you can just pull of your pants and walk away’ that scares me to death!

How do I show and teach you differently to what you will be bombarded with by friends and media without putting a chastity belt on you and opting for home schooling?!

Tell me in 15 years if I succeeded.

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